In Kürze Moderne digitale Cockpits sind komplexe Systems-of-Systems (SoS), die eine sorgfältige Softwareintegration und umfassende Validierung erfordern, um ein zuverlässiges, sicheres und benutzerfreundliches Erlebnis im Fahrzeug zu gewährleisten. Integration geht...
Acsia Technologies versorgt das Central Institute on Mental Retardation (CIMR) mit Solarenergie
Thiruvananthapuram, September 10, 2024: Acsia Technologies, a global leader in automotive software solutions for Digital Cockpits & Displays, e-Mobility, and Telematics, has announced the solarization of the Central Institute on Mental Retardation (CIMR) in Thiruvananthapuram as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative. The project was inaugurated by K. N. Balagopal, Hon’ble Minister for Finance, Government of Kerala, who lit the traditional lamp to mark the commencement of the 10-kilowatt on-grid solar system at CIMR, symbolizing a significant step towards sustainability and energy efficiency.
The new solar installation is expected to generate an average of 40 units of energy per day, contributing to the Institute’s energy needs and enabling CIMR to sell any surplus energy back to the grid.
“All great philanthropic ideas and institutions like CIMR face many difficulties. The government will always support the running of such institutions; however, cooperation from both the public and private sectors is also needed,” said K. N. Balagopal, Hon’ble Minister for Finance, Government of Kerala. The minister also commended Acsia Technologies for its exemplary activities.
“As part of our CSR initiative, Acsia is committed to supporting education and sustainability projects. This solarization project at CIMR not only promotes clean energy but also supports the Institute in its mission to provide essential services,” said Jijimon Chandran, Founder and CEO of Acsia. “I am also pleased to collaborate with the esteemed organization CIMR, which has become a beacon of hope and opportunity for thousands of children both in Kerala and beyond.”
“This project will provide significant strength and energy to the Central Institute on Mental Retardation’s efforts to support individuals with mental challenges,” said Fr. Thomas Chenganariparampil, President of CIMR. He also expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Acsia’s team for their commendable contribution.
Jijimon Chandran, Founder and CEO of Acsia, Fr. Thomas Chenganariparampil, President of CIMR, and Rajesh Panicker, Chief Financial Officer of Acsia, also spoke at the event.
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